
Loser's Guide Loser's Guide

 Loser's Guide to Life

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Tempo Rubato 

Verschiedenes Zeitmaß

Die Ewigkeit ward zur Secunde,
Als sie beim Scheiden mich umfing
Und wehmuthsvoll an meinem Munde
Mit athemlosen Küssen hing.

Gedenk' ich heute jener Stunde,
Wie wird das Herz mir voll und weit!
Aus jeder flüchtigen Secunde
Gestalt' ich eine Ewigkeit.

—Curt Mook

(Eternity became a second when, in parting, she held me, and woefully covered my mouth with breathless kisses. If I think today of that moment, how full and broad my heart becomes! Of every fleeting second I make an eternity.)

I've had absolutely no luck trying to discover who this Curt Mook was. It would appear to be a Dutch name. This poem appears in Bern's Deutsche Lyrik seit Goethe's Tode (5th ed.,187-?); no amount of crafty Googling has found any mention of him.


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