
Loser's Guide Loser's Guide

 Loser's Guide to Life

Friday, July 21, 2006


Insert showing detail of missing comma.

Last week a problem was reported concerning volume two, fascicle three of Magni Opusculi Minoris Libri XC (M.O.M., vol. 2, fasc. 3, p. 211, l. 53): somehow a comma had gone missing.

Evening staff noted the absence of the comma after the words “exballistandum sunt” around 18:00 on Friday and immediately alerted Security. It being a long weekend, nothing much could be done until the following week, when the matter was discussed at the Senior Heads' Conclave.

It was pointed out that commas should be unnecessary for the accurate reading of a text, and that they were not in general use until fairly recently; however, it was felt that the modern reader would expect a slight pause here, as a short flourish of nothingness to separate the two massive blobs of Latin.

Some attention was also devoted to the current status of the missing comma.

Where is it now?

What if it were impeding the course of a sentence elsewhere, causing readers to pause when they needed to maintain their pace if the passage were to be read at all? Or,


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